#!/bin/bash #/ Usage: bin/strap.sh [--debug] #/ Install development dependencies on macOS. set -e [[ $1 == "--debug" || -o xtrace ]] && STRAP_DEBUG="1" STRAP_SUCCESS="" sudo_askpass() { if [ -n "$SUDO_ASKPASS" ]; then sudo --askpass "$@" else sudo "$@" fi } cleanup() { set +e sudo_askpass rm -rf "$CLT_PLACEHOLDER" "$SUDO_ASKPASS" "$SUDO_ASKPASS_DIR" sudo --reset-timestamp if [ -z "$STRAP_SUCCESS" ]; then if [ -n "$STRAP_STEP" ]; then echo "!!! $STRAP_STEP FAILED" >&2 else echo "!!! FAILED" >&2 fi if [ -z "$STRAP_DEBUG" ]; then echo "!!! Run '$0 --debug' for debugging output." >&2 echo "!!! If you're stuck: file an issue with debugging output at:" >&2 echo "!!! $STRAP_ISSUES_URL" >&2 fi fi } trap "cleanup" EXIT if [ -n "$STRAP_DEBUG" ]; then set -x else STRAP_QUIET_FLAG="-q" Q="$STRAP_QUIET_FLAG" fi STDIN_FILE_DESCRIPTOR="0" [ -t "$STDIN_FILE_DESCRIPTOR" ] && STRAP_INTERACTIVE="1" # Set by web/app.rb # STRAP_GIT_NAME= # STRAP_GIT_EMAIL= # STRAP_GITHUB_USER= # STRAP_GITHUB_TOKEN= CUSTOM_HOMEBREW_TAP='umts/umts-dev' CUSTOM_BREW_COMMAND='install --cask umts-dev' STRAP_ISSUES_URL='https://github.com/umts/strap/issues/new' # We want to always prompt for sudo password at least once rather than doing # root stuff unexpectedly. sudo --reset-timestamp # functions for turning off debug for use when handling the user password clear_debug() { set +x } reset_debug() { if [ -n "$STRAP_DEBUG" ]; then set -x fi } # Initialise (or reinitialise) sudo to save unhelpful prompts later. sudo_init() { if [ -z "$STRAP_INTERACTIVE" ]; then return fi # If TouchID for sudo is setup: use that instead. if grep -q pam_tid /etc/pam.d/sudo /etc/pam.d/sudo_local 2>/dev/null; then return fi local SUDO_PASSWORD SUDO_PASSWORD_SCRIPT if ! sudo --validate --non-interactive &>/dev/null; then while true; do read -rsp "--> Enter your password (for sudo access):" SUDO_PASSWORD echo if sudo --validate --stdin 2>/dev/null <<<"$SUDO_PASSWORD"; then break fi unset SUDO_PASSWORD echo "!!! Wrong password!" >&2 done clear_debug SUDO_PASSWORD_SCRIPT="$( cat < '$SUDO_ASKPASS'" <<<"$SUDO_PASSWORD_SCRIPT" unset SUDO_PASSWORD_SCRIPT reset_debug export SUDO_ASKPASS fi } sudo_refresh() { clear_debug if [ -n "$SUDO_ASKPASS" ]; then sudo --askpass --validate else sudo_init fi reset_debug } abort() { STRAP_STEP="" echo "!!! $*" >&2 exit 1 } log() { STRAP_STEP="$*" sudo_refresh echo "--> $*" } logn() { STRAP_STEP="$*" sudo_refresh printf -- "--> %s " "$*" } logk() { STRAP_STEP="" echo "OK" } logskip() { STRAP_STEP="" echo "SKIPPED" echo "$*" } escape() { printf '%s' "${1//\'/\'}" } # Given a list of scripts in the dotfiles repo, run the first one that exists run_dotfile_scripts() { if [ -d ~/.dotfiles ]; then ( cd ~/.dotfiles for i in "$@"; do if [ -f "$i" ] && [ -x "$i" ]; then log "Running dotfiles $i:" if [ -z "$STRAP_DEBUG" ]; then "$i" 2>/dev/null else "$i" fi break fi done ) fi } [ "$USER" = "root" ] && abort "Run Strap as yourself, not root." groups | grep $Q -E "\b(admin)\b" || abort "Add $USER to the admin group." # Prevent sleeping during script execution, as long as the machine is on AC power caffeinate -s -w $$ & # Check and, if necessary, enable sudo authentication using TouchID. # Don't care about non-alphanumeric filenames when doing a specific match # shellcheck disable=SC2010 if ls /usr/lib/pam | grep $Q "pam_tid.so"; then logn "Configuring sudo authentication using TouchID:" if [[ -f /etc/pam.d/sudo_local || -f /etc/pam.d/sudo_local.template ]]; then # New in macOS Sonoma, survives updates. PAM_FILE="/etc/pam.d/sudo_local" FIRST_LINE="# sudo_local: local config file which survives system update and is included for sudo" if [[ ! -f "/etc/pam.d/sudo_local" ]]; then echo "$FIRST_LINE" | sudo_askpass tee "$PAM_FILE" >/dev/null fi else PAM_FILE="/etc/pam.d/sudo" FIRST_LINE="# sudo: auth account password session" fi if grep $Q pam_tid.so "$PAM_FILE"; then logk elif ! head -n1 "$PAM_FILE" | grep $Q "$FIRST_LINE"; then logskip "$PAM_FILE is not in the expected format!" else TOUCHID_LINE="auth sufficient pam_tid.so" sudo_askpass sed -i .bak -e \ "s/$FIRST_LINE/$FIRST_LINE\n$TOUCHID_LINE/" \ "$PAM_FILE" sudo_askpass rm "$PAM_FILE.bak" logk fi fi # Set some basic security settings. logn "Configuring security settings:" sudo_askpass defaults write com.apple.Safari \ com.apple.Safari.ContentPageGroupIdentifier.WebKit2JavaEnabled \ -bool false sudo_askpass defaults write com.apple.Safari \ com.apple.Safari.ContentPageGroupIdentifier.WebKit2JavaEnabledForLocalFiles \ -bool false sudo_askpass defaults write com.apple.screensaver askForPassword -int 1 sudo_askpass defaults write com.apple.screensaver askForPasswordDelay -int 0 sudo_askpass defaults write /Library/Preferences/com.apple.alf globalstate -int 1 sudo_askpass launchctl load /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.apple.alf.agent.plist 2>/dev/null if [ -n "$STRAP_GIT_NAME" ] && [ -n "$STRAP_GIT_EMAIL" ]; then LOGIN_TEXT=$(escape "Found this computer? Please contact $STRAP_GIT_NAME at $STRAP_GIT_EMAIL.") echo "$LOGIN_TEXT" | grep -q '[()]' && LOGIN_TEXT="'$LOGIN_TEXT'" sudo_askpass defaults write /Library/Preferences/com.apple.loginwindow \ LoginwindowText \ "$LOGIN_TEXT" fi logk # Check and enable full-disk encryption. logn "Checking full-disk encryption status:" if fdesetup status | grep $Q -E "FileVault is (On|Off, but will be enabled after the next restart)."; then logk elif [ -n "$STRAP_CI" ]; then echo "SKIPPED (for CI)" elif [ -n "$STRAP_INTERACTIVE" ]; then echo log "Enabling full-disk encryption on next reboot:" sudo_askpass fdesetup enable -user "$USER" | tee ~/Desktop/"FileVault Recovery Key.txt" logk else echo abort "Run 'sudo fdesetup enable -user \"$USER\"' to enable full-disk encryption." fi # Install the Xcode Command Line Tools. if ! [ -f "/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/git" ]; then log "Installing the Xcode Command Line Tools:" CLT_PLACEHOLDER="/tmp/.com.apple.dt.CommandLineTools.installondemand.in-progress" sudo_askpass touch "$CLT_PLACEHOLDER" CLT_PACKAGE=$(softwareupdate -l | grep -B 1 "Command Line Tools" | awk -F"*" '/^ *\*/ {print $2}' | sed -e 's/^ *Label: //' -e 's/^ *//' | sort -V | tail -n1) sudo_askpass softwareupdate -i "$CLT_PACKAGE" sudo_askpass rm -f "$CLT_PLACEHOLDER" if ! [ -f "/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/git" ]; then if [ -n "$STRAP_INTERACTIVE" ]; then echo logn "Requesting user install of Xcode Command Line Tools:" xcode-select --install else echo abort "Run 'xcode-select --install' to install the Xcode Command Line Tools." fi fi logk fi # Check if the Xcode license is agreed to and agree if not. xcode_license() { if /usr/bin/xcrun clang 2>&1 | grep $Q license; then if [ -n "$STRAP_INTERACTIVE" ]; then logn "Asking for Xcode license confirmation:" sudo_askpass xcodebuild -license logk else abort "Run 'sudo xcodebuild -license' to agree to the Xcode license." fi fi } xcode_license # Setup Git configuration. logn "Configuring Git:" if [ -n "$STRAP_GIT_NAME" ] && ! git config user.name >/dev/null; then git config --global user.name "$STRAP_GIT_NAME" fi if [ -n "$STRAP_GIT_EMAIL" ] && ! git config user.email >/dev/null; then git config --global user.email "$STRAP_GIT_EMAIL" fi if [ -n "$STRAP_GITHUB_USER" ] && [ "$(git config github.user)" != "$STRAP_GITHUB_USER" ]; then git config --global github.user "$STRAP_GITHUB_USER" fi # Squelch git 2.x warning message when pushing if ! git config push.default >/dev/null; then git config --global push.default simple fi # Setup GitHub HTTPS credentials. if git credential-osxkeychain 2>&1 | grep $Q "git.credential-osxkeychain"; then # Actually execute the credential in case it's a wrapper script for credential-osxkeychain if git "credential-$(git config --global credential.helper 2>/dev/null)" 2>&1 | grep -v $Q "git.credential-osxkeychain"; then git config --global credential.helper osxkeychain fi if [ -n "$STRAP_GITHUB_USER" ] && [ -n "$STRAP_GITHUB_TOKEN" ]; then printf 'protocol=https\nhost=github.com\n' | git credential reject printf 'protocol=https\nhost=github.com\nusername=%s\npassword=%s\n' \ "$STRAP_GITHUB_USER" "$STRAP_GITHUB_TOKEN" | git credential approve fi fi logk # Setup Homebrew directory and permissions. logn "Installing Homebrew:" HOMEBREW_PREFIX="$(brew --prefix 2>/dev/null || true)" HOMEBREW_REPOSITORY="$(brew --repository 2>/dev/null || true)" if [ -z "$HOMEBREW_PREFIX" ] || [ -z "$HOMEBREW_REPOSITORY" ]; then UNAME_MACHINE="$(/usr/bin/uname -m)" if [[ $UNAME_MACHINE == "arm64" ]]; then HOMEBREW_PREFIX="/opt/homebrew" HOMEBREW_REPOSITORY="${HOMEBREW_PREFIX}" else HOMEBREW_PREFIX="/usr/local" HOMEBREW_REPOSITORY="${HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/Homebrew" fi fi [ -d "$HOMEBREW_PREFIX" ] || sudo_askpass mkdir -p "$HOMEBREW_PREFIX" if [ "$HOMEBREW_PREFIX" = "/usr/local" ]; then sudo_askpass chown "root:wheel" "$HOMEBREW_PREFIX" 2>/dev/null || true fi ( cd "$HOMEBREW_PREFIX" sudo_askpass mkdir -p Cellar Caskroom Frameworks bin etc include lib opt sbin share var sudo_askpass chown "$USER:admin" Cellar Caskroom Frameworks bin etc include lib opt sbin share var ) [ -d "$HOMEBREW_REPOSITORY" ] || sudo_askpass mkdir -p "$HOMEBREW_REPOSITORY" sudo_askpass chown -R "$USER:admin" "$HOMEBREW_REPOSITORY" if [ $HOMEBREW_PREFIX != $HOMEBREW_REPOSITORY ]; then ln -sf "$HOMEBREW_REPOSITORY/bin/brew" "$HOMEBREW_PREFIX/bin/brew" fi # Download Homebrew. export GIT_DIR="$HOMEBREW_REPOSITORY/.git" GIT_WORK_TREE="$HOMEBREW_REPOSITORY" git init $Q git config remote.origin.url "https://github.com/Homebrew/brew" git config remote.origin.fetch "+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*" git fetch $Q --tags --force git reset $Q --hard origin/master unset GIT_DIR GIT_WORK_TREE logk # Update Homebrew. export PATH="$HOMEBREW_PREFIX/bin:$PATH" logn "Updating Homebrew:" brew update --quiet logk # Check and install any remaining software updates. logn "Checking for software updates:" if softwareupdate -l 2>&1 | grep $Q "No new software available."; then logk else echo log "Installing software updates:" if [ -z "$STRAP_CI" ]; then sudo_askpass softwareupdate --install --all xcode_license logk else echo "SKIPPED (for CI)" fi fi # Setup dotfiles if [ -n "$STRAP_GITHUB_USER" ]; then DOTFILES_URL="https://github.com/$STRAP_GITHUB_USER/dotfiles" if git ls-remote "$DOTFILES_URL" &>/dev/null; then log "Fetching $STRAP_GITHUB_USER/dotfiles from GitHub:" if [ ! -d "$HOME/.dotfiles" ]; then log "Cloning to ~/.dotfiles:" git clone $Q "$DOTFILES_URL" ~/.dotfiles else ( cd ~/.dotfiles git pull $Q --rebase --autostash ) fi run_dotfile_scripts script/setup script/bootstrap logk fi fi # Setup Brewfile if [ -n "$STRAP_GITHUB_USER" ] && { [ ! -f "$HOME/.Brewfile" ] || [ "$HOME/.Brewfile" -ef "$HOME/.homebrew-brewfile/Brewfile" ]; }; then HOMEBREW_BREWFILE_URL="https://github.com/$STRAP_GITHUB_USER/homebrew-brewfile" if git ls-remote "$HOMEBREW_BREWFILE_URL" &>/dev/null; then log "Fetching $STRAP_GITHUB_USER/homebrew-brewfile from GitHub:" if [ ! -d "$HOME/.homebrew-brewfile" ]; then log "Cloning to ~/.homebrew-brewfile:" git clone $Q "$HOMEBREW_BREWFILE_URL" ~/.homebrew-brewfile logk else ( cd ~/.homebrew-brewfile git pull $Q ) fi ln -sf ~/.homebrew-brewfile/Brewfile ~/.Brewfile logk fi fi # Install from local Brewfile if [ -f "$HOME/.Brewfile" ]; then log "Installing from user Brewfile on GitHub:" brew bundle check --global &>/dev/null || brew bundle --global logk fi # Tap a custom Homebrew tap if [ -n "$CUSTOM_HOMEBREW_TAP" ]; then read -ra CUSTOM_HOMEBREW_TAP <<<"$CUSTOM_HOMEBREW_TAP" log "Running 'brew tap ${CUSTOM_HOMEBREW_TAP[*]}':" brew tap "${CUSTOM_HOMEBREW_TAP[@]}" logk fi # Run a custom `brew` command if [ -n "$CUSTOM_BREW_COMMAND" ]; then log "Executing 'brew $CUSTOM_BREW_COMMAND':" # Want to expand even if empty or multiple arguments # shellcheck disable=SC2086 brew $CUSTOM_BREW_COMMAND logk fi # Run post-install dotfiles script run_dotfile_scripts script/strap-after-setup STRAP_SUCCESS="1" log "Your system is now Strap'd!"